"How to Choose the Best Skylight Repair and Replacement Specialist in Pickering"

A message for our clients in Pickering - When it comes time to repair or replace your skylight it isn't as simple as calling your roofer and having the job done. Almost 90% of the skylights we repair or replace are due to poor installation by roofers, contractors, and other so called skylight pros. Here are a few things to consider when getting your skylight repaired or replaced.
Does your installer have Insurance? Make sure you ask your installer and even get a copy. If they are an upstanding company they will have no problem doing this for you.
Does your installer do the work themselves or do they subcontract it out?
Will your installer be using a high grade ice and water membrane? (This is one of the most important materials used to having a leak free skylight. Too many companies cut costs at this point.)
Will the exterior aluminum flashing kit be manufactured or done on site? Get the manufactured skylight kit. This way your installer won't need caulking that breaks down in a year or two.
Will your installer be using spray foam insulation and sealant so there are no air leaks on the interior? Without
sealing the top edge of the drywall I can guarantee excess condensation in the winter months.
I always say to my clients. "You don't get your bricklayer to install your windows, so why do you get your roofer to install your skylights."
Get a skylight specialist - Call Moore Skylights Inc. today for your free quote.